Said Duterte Took Office in Order to Gain China's Support for the Philippines' Economy, Including Infrastructure. Investment, Set Aside the Favorable Ruling of the International Court of Justice in the South China Sea Against the Philippines, but That Approach Did Not Return the Expected Results, So Marcos Should Learn a Lesson and Try to Find a Balance Between the United States and China. "When You Add That Disappointment to the Usual Skeptical Attitude Toward China in the Philippine Political and Defense Establishment, and the General Poor Image of China
Among the Filipino People, and It's Going to Be Less Than a Year, the Relationship Between Marcos and China. There's a Limit to How Close You Can Get." Nataragawa Said That Even If Marcos, Nicknamed "Bong Bong," Had Different Ideas as a Candidate, Once He Becomes President, His Stance May Change Due to Pressure. Maintain the Alliance with the executive list United States as for His Attitude Towards the United States, Nataragawa Believes That Although the General Perception of Bombong Marcos During the Election Campaign Is That He Is "Pro-China", Compared with Duterte, a "Little Marcos President" Will Not There Is That "Reflexive Anti-Western Sentiment"
That Duterte Often Displays, So Even If Marcos Might Move Closer to China, He Would Still Be Willing to Engage and Maintain Alliances with the United States, from After His Election, He Began to Speak Openly About Foreign Policy, as Can Be Seen in the Assertion That the Philippines Wants to Maintain an "Independent Foreign Policy." Nataragawa Said That the U.s.-Philippines Relationship Is "Too Big to Fail." the Bilateral Alliance Is Based on Mutual Core Values. This Alliance Is Very Important to Regional Stability, So Both Sides Need to Go Through a Period of Time. Time Has Adjusted, but President Biden Has Congratulated Marcos on His Election, Which Is a Good Start. Economic Recovery